Markets and Sushi in Mong Kok

After class yesterday, I went back to the dorms and relaxed for a while and watched a movie too. I crazily decided to watch The Notebook, which was super emotional, so from now on I'm only allowed to watch funny shows. We went out to dinner this evening with Brody, Adam and Jack as well. We walked through the Ladies Market of Hong Kong and oh my they just have so many amazing things there. And we had decided to have some sushi for dinner and Adam had found this amazing place in the market. It was hidden away but the food was amazing. 

We had lots of laughs over dinner and Jack tried so hard to use chopsticks and pulled some very puzzled looking faces, but I think he got it eventually, before stabbing a dumpling with his chopstick and burning his mouth because it was so so hot. My stomach hurt so much from laughing. Adam ordered a tonne of food, but it was all so yummy. I had ordered some sort of spicy salmon sushi and it was great. I had no idea that one place could have so many varieties of different styles and ingredients of sushi. We walked around for the rest of the evening and headed back to uni. This morning, Emily and I went and had some coffee and we are just about to head off to our first Mandarin class, which is quite exciting :P



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