A Hiking Adventure

Today we decided to go up to The Peak to see the view of Hong Kong from up on the mountainous areas. We choose a really bad day since it was so rainy and cloudy, but I think it made the whole experience all the better. We decided to go last minute and we were so not prepared haha. 

Along the walk to the Peak, Adrian and I discovered this little beaten path off the trail and decided to follow it. Only then to find over hundreds of stairs leading to the top of the Mount High West, which was really exciting. We hiked for ages and ages and realised we had definitely not come prepared for the hike :P It was so so breathtaking and we stopped so many times just to take in the scenery and the surroundings. I have not smelt air so fresh as I did today in about over a month and it was the best feeling. 

The pictures do not do enough justice to the views. They were simply amazing. We stayed at the top for ages and just looked around. It was started drizzling while we were there and we were literally among the rain clouds and it was a feeling like no other. I was so happy hiking up this mountain. I can't wait to do it again, maybe on a clear day to be able to see the whole of the Hong Kong skyline :)



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