Well Hello Hong Kong

Soooooo today was the first day of our adventure to Hong Kong. I got up so early this morning to be at the airport and it was so emotional saying bye to everyone. But that was the hardest part and after that, being on the plane made me feel a whole lot better. We got to Hong Kong around 4 ish and saw all the amazing buildings, the harbour and surrounding peak areas in the taxi. We got to the hotel and used lots of internet after being deprived for a solid eight hours :P

We were all feeling great so we thought we'd go out and explore so here are the pictures from where we walked around. Some of these photos are from the park near our hotel we went to. It's so green and tropical. We also got dinner at a cute little restaurant and then we also went to the mini supermarket and got snacks like biscuits and chocolate of course. As for now, I'm so exhausted and about to go to bed. Safe to say its been an amazing welcome to Hong Kong. I am so amazed by all the tall buildings, the night life, the busy streets and kind people.

Hope you enjoy the pictures :)



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