La La Land

Emily and I had a really nice late lunch yesterday from Pacific Coffee. We ordered these baguette sandwich things and they were so good! Yesterday was really relaxing, I woke up around midday which was so nice after some really busy days and I just relaxed and watched some shows. 

After the meal, we went to the movies with Adam and watched La La Land. I honestly hadn't even seen a trailer for the movie or anything, but I knew it had won lots of awards so I was keen to watch it! The cinemas here are so so fancy in comparison to back home in Perth. There were amazing ceilings and glass features. It was quite incredible. 

And La La Land. OHMYGOD. All I can say is that it was certainly one of the best movies I have seen in a really long time. So uplifting and energising, the music was incredible. Which reminds me, I need to download that soundtrack! I would definitely recommend it to anyone. The plot line is perfect, with two people sharing such a common interest and passion; it was a great musical. 

Go watch it! 



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