Man Mo Temple

Today Emily and I went to Man Mo Temple, in Central Hong Kong. It was an absolutely beautiful day and after a week of just being at uni and doing lots of uni work, it was the perfect day out! We actually did so much today, so there will be plenty of blog posts about all that we did, but the temple was the first stop!

I've been wanting to go for quite a while actually, after seeing so many pictures online and on to-do lists of Hong Kong. It was absolutely beautiful inside and completely smelled like incense sticks. So I had no idea that all the hundreds of coils on the ceilings are actually spiralling incense sticks! Which was so incredible and it also meant that with all those coils burning inside, it smells very strong in the temple! I am so glad we got the time to go visit the temple; another place ticked off my to do list before I head back home :P



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